Monday, January 30, 2017

Introducing the King

Concepts to reinforce:

- Rook moves 

New concepts to learn

- King moves one square at the time
- King is slow (compared to Rook)

Game prep:

- showed the king moves
- reminded rook moves 


- place the king on the board


 - move king around in any direction. Make sure she knows king has to stop after moving one square unlike the rook 

- build the double square with Lego's 


- let the King march one square at a time around the board 

- make the "entrance" into the central square


- let the King find its way into the little "house"

- return the King outside the "house"

- add Rook 

- asked her which piece would get to the house first? King or Rook? Which one is faster? 

- show how fast the Rook can get into the house compared to the slow moving King

- play a racing game. Who gets to the house first?

- while playing the game make sure to show that Rook can also move like a king one square at a time while inside the house

- let the pieces go outside again 

It was fun!!

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